Friday 25 May 2012

"May Cards - 1" : brown.  This batch was created using just a few sheets of  papers.  That's fun to do.  How can I make 7 different cards using only 3 pages?   And there you have it.  :)

"May Cards - 2" : hard to believe but I had to create two separate custom "Alyssa" cards for two different Alyssas,  just a couple weeks apart!   ha!  :)   The personalized cards were all custom made with a few specific details about the people they were intended for. 
The "Happy Birthday Mom" card was a special request based on a Mother's Day card I had previously created - using the same design.
These custom cards prove to be both a challenge and really fun to make!  :)

"May Cards - 3" : I didn't have any wedding cards in my inventory, so when the customer requested 5 at one time, I had to dive right in.   There was no direction in styles, only "I'll leave it in your capable hands".  Free rein, who could ask for more?!?  :)  I still have no wedding cards in my inventory!?  ha!

"May Cards - 4" : another custom request - for Pride Day!  Again, the customer provided a few specific details they wanted.   It was fun seeing all that colour in one card!  :)

I definitely require more time to create these custom orders - as I am trying to incorporate things that the customer wants in their cards - but its nice to have that direction as a change of pace; to just designing off the top of my head.  I welcome the challenge!  :)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Missed a couple of Thursdays...oops!  

I've been busy with making cards!  :)  That's how I like it.

Here was a quick batch, trying out the 'cookie cutter' system.  (titled "Mother")

Thursday 12 April 2012

Happy Thursday!  :)

I looooooove the new line of paper Creative Memories came out with.  This week's batch is made up of the Enchanted series.   Its really a step up...and I don't mean to downplay the papers they've had up until now....but they really did come up with something different with this line.

YAY! another batch that has a "SOLD" card prior to posting.   Actually this particular one sold that deserves a WHOO HOO!  :)  
It was a nice challenge to have to duplicate a card.  Now I know I can.   And would be MORE than happy to do it again and again and again.
It makes me happy to think that these cards are being enjoyed by others.  :)

So we're into April Cards - 2.

Catch you on the flip side....

Thursday 5 April 2012

I was fully expecting Thursday this time 'round, so it came as no surprise!  :)

Had a great week!  I am getting lots of positive feedback and interest in my cards.  It has felt great to have to go through the inventory on line and attach a "SOLD" sign to half a dozen in the last couple days!!
Sure does make me giddy!  :)

Just a few months back, I had no inkling of selling my cards.  I was only making them specifically for family and a few friends for birthdays and holidays.  At the end of December [2011], my sister planted a seed.  She said "I want to do more craft shows this year, and I want to have a space for your cards".  That was it.  Something clicked and I was off like a rocket.  My thoughts were focused on just having an inventory for craft shows through a booth with A Creative Oasis :  It was great having an excuse to create MORE and stretch my creativity with variety. In my mind, I was only thinking about playing "show and tell".  I was just hoping someone might appreciate the work I had done.  I never considered people would buy any!   ha!  I think because I didn't get bogged down with whether or not people would buy them, I was able to just enjoy making each & every one - so please know they are each created with happy, peaceful, loving hands.  :)

SO now with a little bit of interest, and sales, I feel that people can enjoy giving my cards as much as I enjoy creating them.  YAY!!  :)   There are no expectations that anyone will ever buy another card....and I am good with that because that is not why I create them...but I am more than happy to keep making them, if they do.  :)
Wherever this path leads, I'll happily travel.....cutting & pasting all the while.

Don't forget to check out this week's batch April Cards - 1 (Mother's Day focus)

Happy Thursday y'all.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Hard to think this is the end of March.  
The old adage rings true "time flies when you are having fun".
I cannot express the amount of fun I experience when I sit down to 'work' on my cards.  
As soon as I turn on the lamp, I start to automatically de-stress.  Then, as I sit down at my table, I notice a difference in my comes so much easier.  By the time I touch my first tool or piece of paper, I am in a whole other world.  In my paradise.  I am happy, relaxed & enjoy my time in my paradise so much.  I only furrow my brow & mutter a curse word or two when I have to glue really small pieces (ha!). 

March Cards - 5.  This batch is a bit of a mish-mash but soon they will be a bit more uniform - in 'sets' - whether its by theme or paper.  

I am already having a really happy Thursday and I wish the same for you!  :)

See you in April!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Hi.  :)
Its been a quiet card making week but I am looking forward to change that today!  :)
Its going to be hot (tooooooooooo hot for March!!!!) so I will be indoors all day.  And what a better way to spend my time then cutting & pasting?!  :)  

We're on to March Cards - 4.  

I was finding it a little challenging to keep coming up with completely unique ideas from one card to the next so for this batch, I chose a theme.  Everything came together so quickly!!
Whenever I feel like my ideas are drying up, I will pick a theme and just go with it.  :)

Until next time....

Friday 16 March 2012

Its Friday.   
I was committed to posting on Thursdays, but last week I decided to abandon this page and replace it with a Facebook page because I thought no one even saw this blog.
I shouldn't concern myself with who (if anyone) is stopping by.  That's not why I started this.
I said I would post a new batch of cards every week and I will keep to my word.

I had a great week.  I sold 5 cards!!  YAY!!  :)   
Its not a financial victory so much as now others can enjoy the cards I enjoy creating.
It would be great to see this become a trend?  ha!  :)

Getting myself prepped for the upcoming craft show in April.  I was getting stressed about buying a greeting card spinner (very hard to find in Canada, why???) so I decided to take it down a notch, keep it simple and just got two baskets (one for vertical and one for horizontal cards) for this first show.  I created a sign.  And I just carry on with making more cards.  I should have about 120 for the show.....plenty of variety, I think?!  :)

So I owe two batches of new cards....check out both March Cards - 2 and March Cards - 3.

I will be back next Thursday!
Until then........  :)

Thursday 8 March 2012

I prefer Facebook, so if you are interested in seeing ongoing updates & my cards, please go to :

Thanks!  :)

Thursday 1 March 2012

WOW! This Thursday snuck up on me!?!   But as always, I'm prepared.  :)

So now we are onto March Cards - 1

Have a great week!

Thursday 23 February 2012

I've noticed a change in how long I spend on one card.  I think its because I've taken all the guessing and second guessing out of the equation.  I feel more sure as I put tape (or glue) to the paper and set it down.   This could be a good thing if I start making 'cookie cutter' cards (meaning a lot of the same version)....which I think I'd like?!
Until then....I'll just keep practising and strengthening my skills with one-of-a-kind cards.  :)

So take a look at February Cards - 4 (can you believe its the 4th week we're into March already!!!)

Have a great Thursday and see you on the flip side.....

Thursday 16 February 2012

I've just been given a tentative date for the first craft show of 2012 - April 21st.  
YIKES!!   (nervous & excited)
It will be the very first time my cards will be 'out there' for all to see.  
I look forward to the opportunity.  :)

It was nice to be able to put a "SOLD" sign beside 2 of my cards here on the blog in the last couple weeks.  
It would be unbelievably awesome to be able to come back and post that sign to a few more cards following the show?!?  I'm not holding my breath (and won't be thoroughly disappointed if they aren't loved) but it sure would be nice......but that is still months away.

Until then...I'm still enjoying the time I have to make cards.   
I've got to enjoy it while it lasts because 'real' work is just around the corner for me, and I need to somehow adjust to that again (have LOVED being able to craft all day, every day!)
I also need to get back to my scrapbook, so I can do some work on a LARGER scale again...I miss filling those 12" x 12" pages!!  :)  Wonder if I still can after being scaled down to 5" x 6.5" for months?!  ha!  I'm sure it won't be a problem.  :)

Ok....check out February Cards - 3 for this week's batch!

Catch y'all later....

Thursday 9 February 2012

Here we are again....its Thursday!  YAY!  :)

There have been no real challenges to speak of this week. Just quietly creating....  
(Although I'm still really wanting more tools!)

Last week someone asked if they wanted to buy a card, how would they go about it?
If you are interested in any of my cards, please feel free to get in touch with me via email.
I have listed my email address on the right side bar under "Reach Me".  
I also ask that if you are going to send me a message, to include "Just Like You" in the subject line - just in case the email gets routed to 'junk'.  I wouldn't want to miss any messages!!  :)

New batch under "February Cards - 2"

See ya next week.
Have a FABULOUS day!  :)

Oh yeah, I've also opened the blog up for anyone to leave comments, you don't need to have an account.  So let me know you've been here!!  :)

Thursday 2 February 2012

The biggest challenge for this week was to NOT compare myself or my cards with other's.
As soon as I do it deflates & intimidates me, it makes me think the dreaded "I'm not good enough".  
I had to come to realize that 1. some people have been at it a loooooooooooong time; they have honed their skills over many many many years plus they have learned things I've yet to even imagine and 2. everyone has different styles.  Its like comparing apples to....a toaster.  
I put myself in check - I've only been at it (sporadically) for 3 years [and the majority of that is mostly strictly scrapbooking], completely winging it and just going by instinct - I'M RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE and will only get better as I move forward.  Forever forward!  

So with that behind me, I continue on happily with my cutting and pasting.  Sure I'd like to venture into new territory - such as stamping and embossing - but for now, its all about simply playing with paper.  :)
Go to "February Cards - 1" for this week's batch.

See you in a week.
Have a great Thursday!  :)

Thursday 26 January 2012

Wow! Thursday seems to come around really fast.  :)

Another week of cutting & pasting & thoroughly enjoying doing so.
No real problems encountered this week.  
I keep wanting to invest in more tools, more punches, more cartridges...thinking they will allow me to be much more creative.  But I'm coming to realize that by feeling like I'm limited with what I have, it is that much bigger of an accomplishment to come away with cards I am happy with.  :)

The challenge is to be creative with what I have....because the creativity comes from within.

New batch to check out - "January Cards - 3"

Catch you on the flip side...

Thursday 19 January 2012

I've been fortunate to have a lot of time & energy lately to work on creating cards.  
I get such pleasure from doing them.  To me, cutting & pasting is the equivalent of doing yoga, or going for a hike - wherever one finds their 'zen' space. 
As long as I have supplies, I'm good to go!  :)
Here's hoping for more of the same...

There is another batch to check out - "January Cards - 2"

I'll be back next Thursday with some more...
See you then.  :)

Wednesday 11 January 2012


I have created this blog to document my new adventure - card making.
I hope to have photos depicting LOTS of unique, one of a kind, hand-made cards that I will create this year.  
I would like to hear feedback - what you like, what you don't like, any suggested themes, etc.   

Check out "January Cards" located under 'Pages' tab (right side of blog) for photos of my cards.
(Note - if you click on a card, you can see it enlarged)

Have a great day!!  :)