Thursday 16 February 2012

I've just been given a tentative date for the first craft show of 2012 - April 21st.  
YIKES!!   (nervous & excited)
It will be the very first time my cards will be 'out there' for all to see.  
I look forward to the opportunity.  :)

It was nice to be able to put a "SOLD" sign beside 2 of my cards here on the blog in the last couple weeks.  
It would be unbelievably awesome to be able to come back and post that sign to a few more cards following the show?!?  I'm not holding my breath (and won't be thoroughly disappointed if they aren't loved) but it sure would be nice......but that is still months away.

Until then...I'm still enjoying the time I have to make cards.   
I've got to enjoy it while it lasts because 'real' work is just around the corner for me, and I need to somehow adjust to that again (have LOVED being able to craft all day, every day!)
I also need to get back to my scrapbook, so I can do some work on a LARGER scale again...I miss filling those 12" x 12" pages!!  :)  Wonder if I still can after being scaled down to 5" x 6.5" for months?!  ha!  I'm sure it won't be a problem.  :)

Ok....check out February Cards - 3 for this week's batch!

Catch y'all later....

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