Friday 16 March 2012

Its Friday.   
I was committed to posting on Thursdays, but last week I decided to abandon this page and replace it with a Facebook page because I thought no one even saw this blog.
I shouldn't concern myself with who (if anyone) is stopping by.  That's not why I started this.
I said I would post a new batch of cards every week and I will keep to my word.

I had a great week.  I sold 5 cards!!  YAY!!  :)   
Its not a financial victory so much as now others can enjoy the cards I enjoy creating.
It would be great to see this become a trend?  ha!  :)

Getting myself prepped for the upcoming craft show in April.  I was getting stressed about buying a greeting card spinner (very hard to find in Canada, why???) so I decided to take it down a notch, keep it simple and just got two baskets (one for vertical and one for horizontal cards) for this first show.  I created a sign.  And I just carry on with making more cards.  I should have about 120 for the show.....plenty of variety, I think?!  :)

So I owe two batches of new cards....check out both March Cards - 2 and March Cards - 3.

I will be back next Thursday!
Until then........  :)

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