Thursday 23 February 2012

I've noticed a change in how long I spend on one card.  I think its because I've taken all the guessing and second guessing out of the equation.  I feel more sure as I put tape (or glue) to the paper and set it down.   This could be a good thing if I start making 'cookie cutter' cards (meaning a lot of the same version)....which I think I'd like?!
Until then....I'll just keep practising and strengthening my skills with one-of-a-kind cards.  :)

So take a look at February Cards - 4 (can you believe its the 4th week we're into March already!!!)

Have a great Thursday and see you on the flip side.....

Thursday 16 February 2012

I've just been given a tentative date for the first craft show of 2012 - April 21st.  
YIKES!!   (nervous & excited)
It will be the very first time my cards will be 'out there' for all to see.  
I look forward to the opportunity.  :)

It was nice to be able to put a "SOLD" sign beside 2 of my cards here on the blog in the last couple weeks.  
It would be unbelievably awesome to be able to come back and post that sign to a few more cards following the show?!?  I'm not holding my breath (and won't be thoroughly disappointed if they aren't loved) but it sure would be nice......but that is still months away.

Until then...I'm still enjoying the time I have to make cards.   
I've got to enjoy it while it lasts because 'real' work is just around the corner for me, and I need to somehow adjust to that again (have LOVED being able to craft all day, every day!)
I also need to get back to my scrapbook, so I can do some work on a LARGER scale again...I miss filling those 12" x 12" pages!!  :)  Wonder if I still can after being scaled down to 5" x 6.5" for months?!  ha!  I'm sure it won't be a problem.  :)

Ok....check out February Cards - 3 for this week's batch!

Catch y'all later....

Thursday 9 February 2012

Here we are again....its Thursday!  YAY!  :)

There have been no real challenges to speak of this week. Just quietly creating....  
(Although I'm still really wanting more tools!)

Last week someone asked if they wanted to buy a card, how would they go about it?
If you are interested in any of my cards, please feel free to get in touch with me via email.
I have listed my email address on the right side bar under "Reach Me".  
I also ask that if you are going to send me a message, to include "Just Like You" in the subject line - just in case the email gets routed to 'junk'.  I wouldn't want to miss any messages!!  :)

New batch under "February Cards - 2"

See ya next week.
Have a FABULOUS day!  :)

Oh yeah, I've also opened the blog up for anyone to leave comments, you don't need to have an account.  So let me know you've been here!!  :)

Thursday 2 February 2012

The biggest challenge for this week was to NOT compare myself or my cards with other's.
As soon as I do it deflates & intimidates me, it makes me think the dreaded "I'm not good enough".  
I had to come to realize that 1. some people have been at it a loooooooooooong time; they have honed their skills over many many many years plus they have learned things I've yet to even imagine and 2. everyone has different styles.  Its like comparing apples to....a toaster.  
I put myself in check - I've only been at it (sporadically) for 3 years [and the majority of that is mostly strictly scrapbooking], completely winging it and just going by instinct - I'M RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE and will only get better as I move forward.  Forever forward!  

So with that behind me, I continue on happily with my cutting and pasting.  Sure I'd like to venture into new territory - such as stamping and embossing - but for now, its all about simply playing with paper.  :)
Go to "February Cards - 1" for this week's batch.

See you in a week.
Have a great Thursday!  :)