Thursday 29 March 2012

Hard to think this is the end of March.  
The old adage rings true "time flies when you are having fun".
I cannot express the amount of fun I experience when I sit down to 'work' on my cards.  
As soon as I turn on the lamp, I start to automatically de-stress.  Then, as I sit down at my table, I notice a difference in my comes so much easier.  By the time I touch my first tool or piece of paper, I am in a whole other world.  In my paradise.  I am happy, relaxed & enjoy my time in my paradise so much.  I only furrow my brow & mutter a curse word or two when I have to glue really small pieces (ha!). 

March Cards - 5.  This batch is a bit of a mish-mash but soon they will be a bit more uniform - in 'sets' - whether its by theme or paper.  

I am already having a really happy Thursday and I wish the same for you!  :)

See you in April!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Hi.  :)
Its been a quiet card making week but I am looking forward to change that today!  :)
Its going to be hot (tooooooooooo hot for March!!!!) so I will be indoors all day.  And what a better way to spend my time then cutting & pasting?!  :)  

We're on to March Cards - 4.  

I was finding it a little challenging to keep coming up with completely unique ideas from one card to the next so for this batch, I chose a theme.  Everything came together so quickly!!
Whenever I feel like my ideas are drying up, I will pick a theme and just go with it.  :)

Until next time....

Friday 16 March 2012

Its Friday.   
I was committed to posting on Thursdays, but last week I decided to abandon this page and replace it with a Facebook page because I thought no one even saw this blog.
I shouldn't concern myself with who (if anyone) is stopping by.  That's not why I started this.
I said I would post a new batch of cards every week and I will keep to my word.

I had a great week.  I sold 5 cards!!  YAY!!  :)   
Its not a financial victory so much as now others can enjoy the cards I enjoy creating.
It would be great to see this become a trend?  ha!  :)

Getting myself prepped for the upcoming craft show in April.  I was getting stressed about buying a greeting card spinner (very hard to find in Canada, why???) so I decided to take it down a notch, keep it simple and just got two baskets (one for vertical and one for horizontal cards) for this first show.  I created a sign.  And I just carry on with making more cards.  I should have about 120 for the show.....plenty of variety, I think?!  :)

So I owe two batches of new cards....check out both March Cards - 2 and March Cards - 3.

I will be back next Thursday!
Until then........  :)

Thursday 8 March 2012

I prefer Facebook, so if you are interested in seeing ongoing updates & my cards, please go to :

Thanks!  :)

Thursday 1 March 2012

WOW! This Thursday snuck up on me!?!   But as always, I'm prepared.  :)

So now we are onto March Cards - 1

Have a great week!