Thursday 12 April 2012

Happy Thursday!  :)

I looooooove the new line of paper Creative Memories came out with.  This week's batch is made up of the Enchanted series.   Its really a step up...and I don't mean to downplay the papers they've had up until now....but they really did come up with something different with this line.

YAY! another batch that has a "SOLD" card prior to posting.   Actually this particular one sold that deserves a WHOO HOO!  :)  
It was a nice challenge to have to duplicate a card.  Now I know I can.   And would be MORE than happy to do it again and again and again.
It makes me happy to think that these cards are being enjoyed by others.  :)

So we're into April Cards - 2.

Catch you on the flip side....

Thursday 5 April 2012

I was fully expecting Thursday this time 'round, so it came as no surprise!  :)

Had a great week!  I am getting lots of positive feedback and interest in my cards.  It has felt great to have to go through the inventory on line and attach a "SOLD" sign to half a dozen in the last couple days!!
Sure does make me giddy!  :)

Just a few months back, I had no inkling of selling my cards.  I was only making them specifically for family and a few friends for birthdays and holidays.  At the end of December [2011], my sister planted a seed.  She said "I want to do more craft shows this year, and I want to have a space for your cards".  That was it.  Something clicked and I was off like a rocket.  My thoughts were focused on just having an inventory for craft shows through a booth with A Creative Oasis :  It was great having an excuse to create MORE and stretch my creativity with variety. In my mind, I was only thinking about playing "show and tell".  I was just hoping someone might appreciate the work I had done.  I never considered people would buy any!   ha!  I think because I didn't get bogged down with whether or not people would buy them, I was able to just enjoy making each & every one - so please know they are each created with happy, peaceful, loving hands.  :)

SO now with a little bit of interest, and sales, I feel that people can enjoy giving my cards as much as I enjoy creating them.  YAY!!  :)   There are no expectations that anyone will ever buy another card....and I am good with that because that is not why I create them...but I am more than happy to keep making them, if they do.  :)
Wherever this path leads, I'll happily travel.....cutting & pasting all the while.

Don't forget to check out this week's batch April Cards - 1 (Mother's Day focus)

Happy Thursday y'all.