Thursday 26 January 2012

Wow! Thursday seems to come around really fast.  :)

Another week of cutting & pasting & thoroughly enjoying doing so.
No real problems encountered this week.  
I keep wanting to invest in more tools, more punches, more cartridges...thinking they will allow me to be much more creative.  But I'm coming to realize that by feeling like I'm limited with what I have, it is that much bigger of an accomplishment to come away with cards I am happy with.  :)

The challenge is to be creative with what I have....because the creativity comes from within.

New batch to check out - "January Cards - 3"

Catch you on the flip side...

Thursday 19 January 2012

I've been fortunate to have a lot of time & energy lately to work on creating cards.  
I get such pleasure from doing them.  To me, cutting & pasting is the equivalent of doing yoga, or going for a hike - wherever one finds their 'zen' space. 
As long as I have supplies, I'm good to go!  :)
Here's hoping for more of the same...

There is another batch to check out - "January Cards - 2"

I'll be back next Thursday with some more...
See you then.  :)

Wednesday 11 January 2012


I have created this blog to document my new adventure - card making.
I hope to have photos depicting LOTS of unique, one of a kind, hand-made cards that I will create this year.  
I would like to hear feedback - what you like, what you don't like, any suggested themes, etc.   

Check out "January Cards" located under 'Pages' tab (right side of blog) for photos of my cards.
(Note - if you click on a card, you can see it enlarged)

Have a great day!!  :)